Horizon Music Network

Horizon Music is a record label that specializes in ambient electronic music. The musicians who have released albums on Horizon use electronics not as a gimmick, but as a legitimate means of making music. This results in music that is somewhat abstract, but can also have a lasting impact on the listener.

Steve Jolliffe releases a CD called “Zankintera”

“Zankintera” is a 30-minute piece of music that features lots of ambient soundscapes – some denser than others. These sounds come and go and even mutate into other atmospheres. The CD requires one to listen repeatedly and carefully in order to appreciate the intricacies in the music. Since the CD is only a half hour in length, we are selling it for only $10.


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Spotlight: Cantus Umbrarum

The music on Lightwave’s Cantus Umbrarum CD was originally performed in a cave in France in the late 1990s. Subsequently, the CD was released in 2000.

“Lightwave is a French ensemble. Christian Wittman and Christoph Harbonnier are Lightwave. Jacques Deregnaucourt and Renaud Pion are guest musicians. Marie-Christine Letort, Jean-Luc Revol, John Greaves, Eric Theobald, and Wittman provide voices and vocals. They created this music for a massive sound installation in the Choranche Caves in the Vercors Mountains in France. The voices recited — in French — the works of William Shelley, Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Jules Verne, Victor Hugo, and Gérard de Nerval. Visitors traversed the galleries of the caves as the musical shifts flowed along with them. The soundscapes are truly subterranean. The electronics and acoustics evolve slowly as the music builds and collapses endlessly. The spoken recitations are processed as an integral piece of the sound design and add much to the presentation. This classic CD will appeal to fans of Brannan Lane, Jonn Serrie, Kevin Keller, James Johnson, and Zero Ohms. It is essential for all e-music fans.”

— Jim Brenholts, All Music Guide
